Mollie The Border Collie: 4 Months

Mollie The Border Collie: 4 Months

Mollie The Border Collie: 4 Months. Football Crazy. Hello friends, so how are you today? 

Mollie The Border Collie: 4 Months

 Mollie loves playing ball; it is amazing how many footballs she gets through!! Mollie loves football.
  She will sit with a ball waiting all day to play. She focuses on the ball and catches it with her mouth. She makes a great goalkeeper!!

Mollie The Border Collie: 4 Months
Mollie The Border Collie: 4 Months
Mollie The Border Collie: 4 Months

Mollie The Border Collie: 4 Months. How adorable is mollie?

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The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie:

It is with a heavy heart, I let you know that Mollie The Border Collie has died. I am heartbroken as I loved her so much. We were best friends and spent hours together every day of her life.

As if my life hasn’t been bad enough with losing my dad in January, I now have to deal with losing my fur baby.

When we first brought her home, she was so tiny at just eight weeks Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries. We have had such a great journey together and she was one loved dog.

I loved her from day one; Mollie: My Adorable Border Collie I Love You.

The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie.

Thank you so much for stopping by. 

Mollie The Border Collie: 4 Months


  1. AWW! she looks like she is guarding that ball with her life LOL :-)

  2. She's gorgeous, so cute especially in the 3rd pic - just peeking up at you.

  3. She's adorable!
    I hope you'll come link up at this week's Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday):


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