Over 50s Fashion Food Lifestyle Blog

Saturday, November 03, 2018

Friday, November 02, 2018

Colt Blue Dress And Red Shoes

Colt Blue Dress And Red Shoes: Over 40 Style. 

Happy Friday evening and it is off to work I go. Only 4 hours today though, so not too long. 

Don't you just love a blue dress with red shoes? I know I do. The red just pops out!!

Styling a colt blue dress with red shoes is a bold and dynamic fashion choice that exudes confidence and flair.
Colt Blue Dress And Red Shoes

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Colt Blue Dress And Red Shoes:

Colt Blue Dress And Red Shoes: Over 40 Style What I Wore:
  • Colt Blue Dress: Asda
  • Red Handbag: T K Maxx
  • Red Shoes: Primark

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Statue Of Alfred Lord Tennyson Lincoln

Statue Of Alfred Lord Tennyson Lincoln

Statue Of Alfred Lord Tennyson Lincoln:

Statue Of Alfred Lord Tennyson Lincoln- Something always special about visiting Lincoln. The sun is always shining when we visit!
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