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Showing posts from March, 2020

Polka Dots And A Pop Of Red To Brighten Up Your Day

Polka Dots And A Pop Of Red To Brighten Up Your Day. Happy Tuesday. Nothing quite like polka dots and a pop of red to brighten up your day because red is my favourite colour and polka dots are my favourite pattern 😍💕. These photos were taken in January (so before lockdown) and this is my favourite polka dot skirt I've owned so far but I do love my polka dots so this is a bold statement :)

Re-Writing My Goals For 2020 As We Go In Lock-down

Re-Writing My Goals For 2020 As We Go In Lockdown.  Hello friends. Happy Monday. I am sitting here reading my 2020 goals and now where can I stay home and be lazy!!

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight. The Wednesday Link Up. Hello friends, how are you on this beautiful and sunny day? It feels like someone has switched a switch and summer has arrived. The last two days have been beautiful. I might treat the garden to a bit of love today and start digging it for Spring.

Stay Home Save Lives: Motivational Monday

Stay Home Save Lives: Motivational Monday Link-Up. Hello friends. Happy Monday. I hope you are all keeping well? Sorry that the blog hop is late today my head is really scrambled with everything at the minute.

le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton: Street Style

le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton. Street Art Saturday. Hello, friends, I hope you are keeping well? Travel is well off the radar at the minute with the Coronavirus so today I thought I would share some photos from a few weeks ago.

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On: Feel Good Friday

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And Go For A Walk: Feel Good Friday Link Up. Hello friends. It is all a bit of doom and gloom at the minute, isn't it?  Supermarkets selling out of food places temporarily closing left right and centre and schools shutting.  Where will it end? When will it all end!!??  What will become of our lives and businesses? So many questions need answering.

I'll Be There For You When The Rain Starts To Pour

I'll Be There For You When The Rain Starts To Pour #ThrowbackThursday. Happy Thursday. Today I am sharing a Throwback Thursday post with you.

Black And White Polka Dot's: What I Wore At The Farm

Black And White Polka Dot's: What I Wore At The Farm. What I Wore Wednesday Link Up/ Happy Wednesday.  I hope you're all keeping well and avoiding the virus? Well eventually the rain and wind have calmed down and we got a day out at the farm.

5 Wardrobe Essentials I Can’t Live Without In Spring

5 Wardrobe Essentials I Can’t Live Without In Spring. Hello friends and thank you for stopping by the blog today. It is all a bit of doom and gloom at the minute, isn't it? I am locked indoors waiting to only get out tonight for work and wondering what to do with my time?

I Don't Do Fashion I Am a Fashion

I Don't Do Fashion I Am a Fashion: Motivational Monday Link-Up. Hello friends. Thanks for stopping by my new blog hop, The Motivational Monday Link Up. We all need a bit of motivation lately, don't we? It is with regret that  Creative Mondays has now come to an end.  I feel I want to focus on some different projects after all these years. Keeping my mind creative.

Learn About Butterflies Day And An Orange Dress To

Learn About Butterflies Day And An Orange Dress To Match. Hello friends. As it is Learn About Butterflies Day I thought I would share some beautiful butterfly photos and the outfit that always reminds me of these kinds of butterflies. Mixing outfits with nature ;)

Sandy From Grease Look: Feel Good Friday

Sandy From Grease Look: Feel Good Friday Link Up. Hello friends and welcome to The new Feel Good Friday Link Up. It is part of the Welcome To The Weekend Link Up over at my other blog but you can also link up here from today too. These are my feel-good Friday photos today as I was looking my best in these shots. They always make me smile when I look back at them.

Lemon Dress And Capturing The Perfect Photo

Lemon Dress And Capturing The Perfect Photo. Throwback Thursday. Hello friends. The weather is awful lately, isn't it? The wind is so strong I do not even want to leave the house. The bins are flying around the street and the wind is howling through the windows like a crazy person.

Working On My Goals: Motivational Monday

Working On My Goals: Motivational Monday-  Happy Monday 👋. Up early and planning my new goals 💕 “When you start to do the things that you truly love, it wouldn’t matter whether it is Monday or Friday; you would be so excited to wake up each morning to work on your passions.“ – Edmond Mbiaka.

Are You Looking For Real Mum's Real Style?

Are You Looking For Real Mum's Real Style For Your Next Collaborations? This Is What A Mum Looks Like. If you are looking to work with a real mum on any real style collaborations get in touch to see if we could work together here or on my other blog Claire Justine . You can email me at

Irregular Choice Toy Story Shoes And How I've Styled

Irregular Choice Toy Story Shoes And How I've Styled Them.  Happy Friday. So today I'm sharing some Flashback Friday photos from last Spring. These photos make me happy.  I love this outfit and photos but most of all I love my Irregular Choice Toy Story shoes.  I have mentioned before, that I never want to grow up!! Haha!! Irregular Choice Toy Story Shoes And How I've Styled Them: Irregular Choice Toy Story Shoes And How I've Styled Them. 

Favourite Blue Dress For Blue Dress Day

Favourite Blue Dress For Blue Dress Day. Happy Friday. It is a blue dress day today to raise awareness of cancer and this is my favourite blue dress.