Stay Home Save Lives: Motivational Monday

Stay Home Save Lives: Motivational Monday Link Up

Stay Home Save Lives: Motivational Monday Link-Up. Hello friends. Happy Monday. I hope you are all keeping well? Sorry that the blog hop is late today my head is really scrambled with everything at the minute.

Stay Home Save Lives: Motivational Monday Link-Up:

I am really trying to stay positive but reading the news and how fast this virus is moving and going to kill people over the next few weeks/months is so heartbreaking. 

Another thing that has upset me is seeing full beaches and crowds of people thinking this is a bank holiday. This is real life, not a rehearsal. This is reality and everyone has to act now to save not only other people but themselves too.

Everyone would like to go out, hit the beach, or go out for a meal but we can't because if we do we are risking people's lives. The sooner we stay in and slow this virus down the better life will be for everyone. 

Please think of yourself and others around you. 

The only place I have been over the last few days is work, a quick run where no one was, and a walk around the block with Mollie the Collie. Avoiding as many people as possible. So please, Stay Home Save Lives.

Now my panic is all written down, let's link up our motivational posts and put a smile on people's faces. Link up your motivational posts, great recipes, beautiful outfits, or travel posts to inspire people where to go when this is all over.

Stay Home Save Lives: Motivational Monday:

Motivational Monday Link-Up Guidelines:

Link Up At Today’s Blog Hop And Get Your Blog Noticed:

Hello friends and thank you for joining us today at the Motivational Monday Link Up. Are you a blogger looking for more page views or more interaction on your blog? If so you have come to the right place. Join us today at the blog hop and get your posts noticed.

How Many Posts Can You Add?

You can link up as many blog posts or Instagram posts as you would like to the linky below. Old or new. No need for a theme but if you want to add a theme there are some ideas up next.

Motivational Monday Link-Up Theme Ideas:

This Motivational Monday is part of The Creative Monday link-up that I used to host over at my other blog Claire Justine. I feel that after years and years of hosting Creative Mondays, I needed a chance. It is inspired to get people creative whether it is at home, making yummy recipes, or giving you style inspiration. You can link up anything motivational, creative home, stylish, recipes, crafts, DIY, tutorials, etc.

How To Link Your Posts Up:

Please link up to a blog post and not your main home page. Also please only link up family-friendly creative posts!

Sharing Is Caring:

Please follow your host either here or my other blog Claire Justine Oxox by Blog, Email, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Page, Pinterest, or Bloglovin. Let me know how you have followed me so I can follow you back. Please link back to the Motivational Monday party in your posts to spread the word.

Try To Visit At Least 3 Other Bloggers:

Please visit a few of the posts that have been linked up today to make the blog hop fun for everyone.

Tweet Me Your Links For More Chances To Be Seen:

Please tweet me any links you have to add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the #MotivationalMonday hash-tag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

This Linky Has Now Ended.

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le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton:

Firstly, Street Art on Saturday. Hello, friends, I hope you are keeping well? Travel is well off the radar at the minute with the coronavirus so today I thought I would share some photos from a few weeks ago.

These photos are from when we were in Brighton for a few days when we stumbled upon Le Roy Art Gallery. I was loving Brighton and taking photos of all the street art when we walked down a little painted alleyway and stumbled upon the shop. le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton. 

Learn About Butterflies Day:

Secondly, hello friends. As it is Learn About Butterflies Day I thought I would share some beautiful butterfly photos and the outfit that always reminds me of these kinds of butterflies.

Mixing outfits with nature ;) Learn About Butterflies Day.

Black And White Polka Dot's:

Thirdly, What I Wore Wednesday Link Up/ Happy Wednesday. I hope you're all keeping well and avoiding the virus? Well eventually the rain and wind have calmed down and we got a day out at the farm.

I love these photos, especially the one of me and my mini-me. It was lovely on Sunday at the farm and not too many people around which was a bonus for us as we were avoiding crowds of people as much as possible. Black And White Polka Dot's.

Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways:

Fourthly, my dress above in coloured photos. I used to love posting here and on my Fashion By Claire Justine Instagram to share my creativity but since corona-virus landed in the UK.

I’ve been busy worrying my time away and neglecting the things I love. But not anymore. Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways.

Fashion By Claire Justine: Blog Makeover Complete:

Fifthly, Hello Friends. Happy Wednesday. I have had a bit of a makeover here on my blog and is now finished. Fashion By Claire Justine: Blog Makeover Complete.

Irregular Choice Monster From The Muppet's:

Sixthly, I adore Irregular Choice shoes and how amazing are these Monster From The Muppet shoes!? My Husband brought them me as a present for Christmas. Love them. Irregular Choice Monster From The Muppet's.

Playing Dress Up Begins At Age Five And Never Truly Ends:

Last but not least, today started with a nice run around the trails with Mollie and my Husband but then again he did make me work hard up those hills!! Playing Dress Up Begins At Age Five And Never Truly Ends.

You Can Find Me Here:

Pop Over And Find Me On Claire Justine.

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  1. Claire, this is definitely such a strange time for everyone. I rarely leave my house anyway so not much has changed for me except I can’t go take outfit photos anywhere except my yard which isn’t very pretty for a background! But if this lockdown continues for months, I am going to have to get creative with the space around my house. While this situation is very uncomfortable, now is definitely not the time for resistance or rebellion. If everyone just stayed home as advised, this would end much sooner. But humans are stubborn. So much so that they will risk complete destruction as long as their immediate gratification needs are met. It is very sad indeed. Stay safe and healthy, my friend.


    1. Hi Shelbee, hope you and your lovely family are keeping safe. My back garden is not ideal as we have just had to have our bath out. Maybe a outfit post stood near our bath would be fun :) Keep safe lovely x

  2. We need to continue to spread this message! Our governor issued a stay at home order, yet, some of our neighbors are going to a neighboring state where restaurants, bars and shops are still open and bragging about how nice it is to have somewhere to go. It floors me that they are only thinking of themselves and putting others at risk. Stay safe!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Yes we do need to keep speeding the news. Not good as bars and restaurant are the last place I would want to go right now :( Complete locked here now so I hope this will help stop spreading the virus.

  3. Sending out the best message Claire. I haven't been out of the house for seven days now and been told to lock down due to partners health. Only another eleven weeks to go! The sooner this is over the better for everyone. Why don't people get that? Stay safe and keep you and yours well xx

    1. Aww bless. Hope your both keeping well, Laurie, stay safe XX

  4. You are doing the right thing and I feel exactly the same way you do!

    1. Thanks Heather. I will be glad when this is all over.

  5. We are adapting fairly well to the current situation enjoying short school days with more outside time. Thankfully we live where we can walk and bike and we do have a nice backyard and trampoline too. Boys are enjoying their digital learning days.

    1. Sounds like you have a lot of open space to get out which is great :) We are limited here :( Thanks for joining us.

  6. I absolutely agree with you. Our personal actions are truly affecting everyone now. We have to stay home and away from one's the only way to stop it. Stay safe and well my friend...xo

    1. Thanks for joining us Debbie. Scary times at the minute. Stay safe xx

  7. I totally understand the impulse to want to go outside after being trapped inside all day—unfortunately it seems everyone feels that way and there aren't enough places for people to go! I am trying to walk my dog at odd times so the sidewalks aren't so crowded; I took her for a nice long hike yesterday and it felt like a normal Sunday, which is just not right! Hope you are staying safe and healthy.
    Cheryl Shops |

    1. It's not good being in all the time is it, but it looks like this is the only way :( Keep safe Cheryl x

  8. I hope you are keeping well. We are on lockdown here in France, but so glad to have the dogs and cats for company too. Keep safe.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, sorry I only just found this comment. All good here :)


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