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Dreaming Of A Day In Bakewell And An Outfit Post

Orange dress over 40
Orange dress over 40

Dreaming Of A Day In Bakewell And An Outfit Post. It's the Easter holidays, the kids are off school, and the sun is shining down.

It is my husband's day off work and I have a day off holiday from work as I did have a hospital appointment booked from last year for my daughter but it has been canceled.

First Signs Of Spring And My Large Polka Dot's Coat

First Signs Of Spring And My Large Polka Dot's On My Coat

First Signs Of Spring And My Large Polka Dot's On My Coat. No, do not worry I'm not breaking lockdown, these photos were taken about a month ago I've just been too busy stressing to share!!

Another Day Another Jumpsuit: Re-wear Style

Another Day Another Jumpsuit: Re-wear Style. Hello friends, how are you today? All is good here.

Another Day Another Jumpsuit

Another Day Another Jumpsuit: Re-wear Style

I love this jumpsuit from last Spring. I remember taking these photos well from last year too. Fun days when we were allowed out anywhere and had no restrictions.

Growing Back To My Roots: Let The Grey Sparkle!!

Growing Back To My Roots: Let The Grey Sparkle!! Happy Saturday friends. Looks like for now I'm growing my roots out!!

Let The Grey Sparkle!!

Growing Back To My Roots: Let The Grey Sparkle!!

(Yes, that is a ball in the background!! Mollie the Collie thinks if you stand still for too long you're ready to play ball!!).

A Summers Day In Bakewell: What I Wore: Over 40 Style

A Summers Day In Bakewell: What I Wore: Over 40 Style.

What I Wore: Over 40 Style

A Summers Day In Bakewell: What I Wore: Over 40 Style:

 #FlashbackFriday. Hello friends, Happy Friday. I am continuing my new blog theme of happier days out when life was good and no one had heard of Coronavirus!! Because I like to keep my blogs in a happy place.

An Outfit Post In Skegness: Throwback Thursday

Over 40 style

An Outfit Post In Skegness: Throwback Thursday. Hello friends, happy Thursday.

As we can not leave the house at the minute due to being in lockdown with the Coronavirus I have decided to share a few of my old travel posts around the UK.

Over 40 Travel And Outfit Recap: Bristol: Floral Dress

Over 40 Travel And Outfit Recap: Bristol

Over 40 Travel And Outfit Recap: Bristol: Floral Dress. Wayback Wednesday. Hello, friends. I am throwing today's Wayback Wednesday post back to September 2018.

When my husband and I visited Bristol for the first time ever to pick our 2nd eldest son up from his year-long work placement.
