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Showing posts with the label Feel Good Friday

How To Style A Summer Maxi Dress In Autumn

How To Style A Summer Maxi Dress In Autumn. Hello friends, Happy Friday. So today I am sharing some beautiful photos of flowers and this bright pink maxi dress that I wore on a cool summer's day.  I love this maxi dress and it makes a great autumn dress too with a nice fitted black jumper underneath. Don't you think?

How Do You Handle A Compliment?

How Do You Handle A Compliment? Happy Tuesday friends. I am hoping the weather picks up again from today as it's been freezing the last few days. How Do You Handle A Compliment? I even put the heating on yesterday as I was so cold after my morning run.

Over 40 Travel And Outfit Recap: Bristol: Floral Dress

Over 40 Travel And Outfit Recap: Bristol: Floral Dress.  Wayback Wednesday. Hello, friends. I am throwing today's Wayback Wednesday post back to September 2018. When my husband and I visited Bristol for the first time ever to pick our 2nd eldest son up from his year-long work placement.

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On: Feel Good Friday

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And Go For A Walk: Feel Good Friday Link Up. Hello friends. It is all a bit of doom and gloom at the minute, isn't it?  Supermarkets selling out of food places temporarily closing left right and centre and schools shutting.  Where will it end? When will it all end!!??  What will become of our lives and businesses? So many questions need answering.

Sandy From Grease Look: Feel Good Friday

Sandy From Grease Look: Feel Good Friday Link Up. Hello friends and welcome to The new Feel Good Friday Link Up. It is part of the Welcome To The Weekend Link Up over at my other blog but you can also link up here from today too. These are my feel-good Friday photos today as I was looking my best in these shots. They always make me smile when I look back at them.

Are You Looking For Real Mum's Real Style?

Are You Looking For Real Mum's Real Style For Your Next Collaborations? This Is What A Mum Looks Like. If you are looking to work with a real mum on any real style collaborations get in touch to see if we could work together here or on my other blog Claire Justine . You can email me at

Irregular Choice Toy Story Shoes And How I've Styled

Irregular Choice Toy Story Shoes And How I've Styled Them.  Happy Friday. So today I'm sharing some Flashback Friday photos from last Spring. These photos make me happy.  I love this outfit and photos but most of all I love my Irregular Choice Toy Story shoes.  I have mentioned before, that I never want to grow up!! Haha!! Irregular Choice Toy Story Shoes And How I've Styled Them: Irregular Choice Toy Story Shoes And How I've Styled Them. 

Favourite Blue Dress For Blue Dress Day

Favourite Blue Dress For Blue Dress Day. Happy Friday. It is a blue dress day today to raise awareness of cancer and this is my favourite blue dress.

Pink Squid Street Art In Brighton: How Cool!?

Pink Squid Street Art In Brighton: How Cool!? Hello friends. I love a bit of street art and I saw this beauty a few weeks ago in Brighton. Charles Street, Brighton. Great location for a fashion photoshoot if you love street art 💕

Dietitian Jo Travers Reveals What To Eat Over The Festive Season To Beat Tummy Troubles

Dietitian Jo Travers Reveals What To Eat Over The Festive Season To Beat Tummy Troubles, For Love Your Gut. With an abundance of festive feasts and fizz-filled parties. The period through Christmas and New Year is when many of us indulge in larger portions and sweet and salty treats.

5 Simple Healthy New Year Resolutions

5 Simple Healthy New Year Resolutions with dietitian Sian Porter. Hello friends, today I have a guest post to share with you on how to be a little bit healthier in the new year. Many of us will make a resolution to be healthier in some way in the new year, but with most of us short on time, it can be tricky to keep them up. To keep us on track, dietitian Sian Porter has teamed up with California Walnuts to suggest five simple New Year resolutions for a happier and healthier 2020.