
Ripped Jeans

Ripped Jeans. Mollie hates my ripped jeans. She thinks I put them on for her to chew!! "So you can keep me inside the pocket of your Ripped Jeans, holding me closer till our eyes meet, you won't ever be alone. Wait for me to come home" Come to think of it, my husband doesn't like them either. So it bugs them both when I wear them!! Ripped Jeans


Beautiful. Love this picture of Mollie.  She is so beautiful. Beautiful


Walkies. Some pictures over the last few weeks of Mollie on her walkies. Frisbee anyone? Walkies.

Mollie And The Apples

Mollie And The Apples. These pictures of Mollie was taken a few weeks ago when the apples were all falling off the trees. Mollie And The Apples

Mollie on Her Walks

Mollie on Her Walks. Mollie loves her walkies and her she is on a bright Autumn day. Wow, how she has grown in the 4 months we have had her is unreal!! Just like children, they do not stay babies for long. Mollie on Her Walks