Over 50s Fashion Food Lifestyle Blog

Mollie The Border Collie. Time for a catch up with Mollie The Border Collie. Mollie loves to run, play frisb...
Mollie In Sherwood Forest. Some pictures of Mollie exploring Sherwood Forest. She did not know where to look first.  She was ...
Mollie Loves To Play Ball. Mollie loves to play ball. And she loves you to kick the football too. And when you're too ...
When You Take A Walk By. When you take a walk by some manure and it smells so bad. That bad your eyes water and you try not to...
Who Is In Charge Of The TV? Who Is In Charge Of The TV? Mollie!!
Ripped Jeans. Hello friends, so how are you today? Ripped Jeans: Ripped Jeans: So you can keep me Inside the pocket of your ripped jean...
Beautiful. Love this picture of Mollie.  She is so beautiful. Beautiful
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