Colt Blue Dress And Red Shoes: Over 40 Style. Happy Friday evening and it is off to work I go. Only 4 hours today though, so not too long. Don't you just love a blue dress with red shoes? I know I do. The red just pops out!! Styling a colt blue dress with red shoes is a bold and dynamic fashion choice that exudes confidence and flair. This post also contains affiliate links. So this means that if you click on one and make a purchase, I may receive a commission. You will not be charged any additional fees if you purchase through an affiliate link. Affiliate links will be marked with a *. Colt Blue Dress And Red Shoes: Colt Blue Dress And Red Shoes: Over 40 Style What I Wore: Colt Blue Dress: Asda Red Handbag: T K Maxx Red Shoes: Primark