Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans

Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans

Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans. How sweet are ladybirds?

Sweet when there are not too many though!!!
Hello friends, Happy Tuesday. How was Blue Monday for you? Hopefully not too bad? I had a nice run in the morning, caught up with some blog work midday and a lazy afternoon doing nothing. Having a holiday in Winter is not much fun when the Husband is at work and children at school though, is it!? I might have to go shopping tomorrow!!
Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans.
Yesterday's outfit was inspired by a trip to Bristol last year. I love these mid-wash slim blue jeans with white and red side stripe which I picked up from Zara in the Summer. This ladybird t-shirt is so sweet and comfy trainers are a must when going out and about. I also teamed this outfit up with a chunky knitted red cardigan to keep me nice and warm!!

Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans.

What I Wore:
  • Top: Primark
  • Jeans: Zara
  • Shoes: New Balance
  • Bag: T K Maxx

Have you ever been to Bristol?

Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans
Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans
Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans

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Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans- Don't you just love jeans with strips down the leg? I know I do.
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  1. That is such a cute printed tee! While I haven't seen a ladybird tee there are a lot of fun animal print tees similar to this in the stores lately - I'm trying not to add yet another tee to my collection but I do love the trend! :)

    Hope that you are having a great start to your week :) I just posted my weekday wear linkup, I'd love you to join! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Thanks Mica. I have seen some lovely animal print shirts around for Spring :)

  2. My friend used to love birds and would adore this shirt!!

  3. What a sweet shirt Claire, and Ive seen those jeans, very nice!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  4. Cute look Claire - another great location! xx Maria


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