Over 50s Fashion Food Lifestyle Blog

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me: Wordless Wednesday Link Up

You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me: Wordless Wednesday Link Up.

You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me: Wordless Wednesday Link Up

You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me: Wordless Wednesday Link Up: 

Happy Wednesday friends. So glad you could join us today at our new home for The Wordless Wednesday link-up. I want to practice my photography more and I thought this was the best place to continue and grow the blog hop.

You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me: Wordless Wednesday Link Up

I love taking photos of animals and thought about how sweet these goats are at White Post Farm. Adorable.  You have goat to be kidding me!!

Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Link Up:


You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me: Wordless Wednesday Link Up:
Wordless Wednesday Link Up

About The Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Link Up Party:

The Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Link Up is a 4 week-long blog hop where you can link up all your posts with photos in them.

Blog Posts You Can Share Here Each Week:

You can add any blog posts to the linky below. With or without a theme. All I ask that the posts have pictures in them. These posts can be wordless or not so wordless. If you publish any more in the week you can also pop back and link them up too.

What photos have you been taking this week? Do you want to share with us?

You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me: Wordless Wednesday Link Up:

The Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Link Up Guidelines:

Please only link up family-friendly posts!

Please follow your host Claire Justine by Blog, Email, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Page, Pinterest or Bloglovin. Let me know how you have followed me so I can follow you back.

Please link back to The Wednesday Link Up in your posts to spread the word of this party.

Share some midweek blog fun and please try to stop by a few of the blogs that have linked up here today.

Please tweet me any links you have added to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the #WednesdayLinkUp hashtag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

It would be great if you would follow along on any social media channels in some way? Let me know if you decided to, so I can follow you back.

Now over to you, what have you been snapping away at this week?

This Linky Has Now Closed. You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me: Wordless Wednesday Link Up:

Did You See:



  1. Ah, goats! And your other blog! Super cute. Thanks for the link up, Claire. Have a wonderful day!


  2. Thank you for hosting, Claire. It's great to discover your other blogs! The goats are so cute! Have a lovely day.

  3. Love the photos and close ups they made me smile, I like the new blog too for WW! it's a good idea :-)

    I will add your new site to my linky page and your WW! button to the ww page :-)

    Have a nannygoattastic week :arrow:

    1. Thanks so much Steve :) Thanks for hosting too.

  4. What is it about goats that is so entertaining. They really are such little hairy clowns! LOL .

  5. I love goats only if they don't headbutt me! They can be quite nasty!

  6. Yayy, your comment box is working now! It went weird on me when I tried to comment earlier.

  7. Thank you for hosting! My best regards from Romania!

  8. So very cool. Thanks for hosting and have a good rest of the week.

  9. Goats kind of creep me out. I don't like their eyes. Now give me a lama anyday.


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