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Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On: Feel Good Friday

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And A Feel Good Friday Link Up

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And Go For A Walk: Feel Good Friday Link Up. Hello friends. It is all a bit of doom and gloom at the minute, isn't it? 

Supermarkets selling out of food places temporarily closing left right and centre and schools shutting.  Where will it end? When will it all end!!??  What will become of our lives and businesses? So many questions need answering.

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On: Feel Good Friday:

Hello lovelies and welcome by the Feel Good Friday Link-Up. Share your feel-good posts with us and make people smile.

Have you baked a yummy recipe lately or worn a beautiful outfit?

Maybe you have a beautiful post full of travel pictures so you can inspire us all where to go when this crisis is all over? Come link it up and let's put a smile on each other faces!

Red Wellies

Five Thing's That Have Cheered Me Up This Week: Feel Good Friday Link-Up:

Managing To Buy Essentials Like Bread, Milk, Eggs And Meat:

Firstly, Managing To Buy Essentials Like Bread, Milk, Eggs And Meat. A few weeks ago if someone would have said to you large supermarkets like Sainsbury's Tesco Lidl and Aldi would sell out of essentials like bread, milk eggs and meat you would have thought they were mad!! Because this is something we have never seen before.

Now every day is a struggle to buy food. When supermarkets open they have massive queues of people waiting to buy food and fighting over it as though it is gold dust. If everyone stopped panicking surely there is enough for everyone?

This week has been challenging but by driving around to different supermarkets at different times of the day we have managed to buy a few essential items like bread, milk, eggs and meat. I do not know what the next few weeks will be like though? This week I am grateful for food.

I am proud of places like Sainsbury's opening earlier for the elderly. It is awful that they are having to struggle at times like this. If you know someone elderly try to pop in on them and see if they need anything. We have no one elderly where we live or I would. We are maybe the eldest on our street!!

Knowing That My Holiday Is Two Shifts Away:

Secondly, Knowing That My Holiday Is Two Shifts Away. I work as an online content creator as one of my jobs and in a supermarket for my other. It is crazily busy at the minute in the supermarkets. Going on the tills is not my favourite job at the minute as you could be in close contact with someone carrying the virus.

I have my Spring weeks holiday booked from Sunday and it can not come soon enough. Just have a 7-hour shift today and 4 hours to do tomorrow and then I can relax for 9 whole days. I'm not sure there will be much relaxing going on though with everything that is going on around us.

Knowing My Son Who Has Asthma Can Work From Home:

Thirdly, Knowing My Son Who Has Asthma Can Work From Home. My Son works away from home and has been today he can work from home which is great news.

The only news I am worried about is a few of his friends in the same office as he might have got Coronavirus and has been sent home from work. One has a really high temperature and has all the signs. I am praying it missed him.

Having Some Amazing Parks And Places Around To Go For A Walk:

Fourthly, Having Some Amazing Parks And Places Around To Go For A Walk. We have some amazing parks around us. Just a few minutes walk away and you are in a park with not many other people around you. You can walk, jump or sing if you like and no one will care. Great for mental health at the minute that's for sure. Also, Mollie, The Collie loves walkies whenever and wherever. Get out walking to blow the cobwebs away. It is also great for clearing your mind.

Having The Internet:

Fifth, Having The Internet. Having the internet is a great thing. I get my latest news from Twitter. I find out all the news around me from my friends on Facebook and I share my own thoughts here. Love it. If I need a recipe I can easily find one on the internet and if I want to drift off to another country I simply read my favourite blogs. Blogs are a great way of taking your mind off things like this. You might want to check their archives though or you might stumble upon a post like this ;).

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And A Feel Good Friday Link Up
Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And A Feel Good Friday Link Up
Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And A Feel Good Friday Link Up
Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And A Feel Good Friday Link Up
Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And A Feel Good Friday Link Up
Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And A Feel Good Friday Link Up
Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On And A Feel Good Friday Link Up

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On: Feel Good Friday:

What I Wore: Hat & Mickey Mouse Sweatshirt: Primark | Leggings: Hand Me Down From My Mum/ Rewear ;) Wellies: Hunters.

Why Buy Hunter Wellies? I buy them because they are durable and strong and last so much longer than the cheaper wellies. 

Hunter wellies, are also commonly referred to as Hunter rain boots, are well-liked and useful options for wet and rainy weather. The following are some hints for wearing Hunter wellies:

Hunter wellies look terrific with slim jeans or leggings tucked into the boots. Wear them with those items. This not only keeps your trousers dry but also gives them a sophisticated and fashionable appearance. 

Also, pair them with shorts or a skirt for a playful and fun style. Especially if you are going to a festival. Hunter wellies also look great with shorts or a skirt. Just be sure to add a warm jumper or jacket on the top to balance out the look.

How are you coping with the Coronavirus? Let's support each other. Let's also support the businesses that are great with their staff at times like this and avoid the ones that are treating their staff badly.

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On: Feel Good Friday Link-Up Guidelines:

Link Up At Today’s Blog Hop And Get Your Blog Noticed. Hello friends and thank you for joining us today at the Feel Good Friday Link Up. Are you a blogger looking for more page views or more interaction on your blog? If so you have come to the right place. Join us today at the blog hop and get your posts noticed.

How Many Posts Can You Add? You can link up as many blog posts or Instagram posts as you would like to the link below. Old or new. No need for a theme but if you want to add a theme there are some ideas up next.

Feel Good Friday Link-Up Theme Ideas:

This Feel Good Friday Link Up Link Up is part of The Welcome To The Weekend Link Up. The one that I used to host over at my other blog Claire Justine. It is inspired to get people to share some exciting posts to get everyone ready for the weekend. Whether it is beauty, fitness, home, making yummy recipes or giving you style inspiration. You can link up any posts today that will make our readers feel good and inspired for the weekend ahead.

How To Link Your Posts Up. Please link up to a blog post and not your main home page. Also please only link up family-friendly feel-good posts!

Sharing Is Caring. Please follow your host by Blog, Email, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Page, Pinterest or Bloglovin if you would like to. Let me know how you have followed me so I can follow you back. Please link back to the Feel Good Friday or The Welcome To The Weekend party in your posts to spread the word.

Try To Visit At Least 3 Other Bloggers. Please visit a few of the posts that have been linked up today to make the blog hop fun for everyone.

Tweet Me Your Links For More Chances To Be Seen. Please tweet me any links you have to add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the # Feel Good Friday hash-tag so I can favourite, retweet and reply.

Put Your Mickey Mouse Jumper On: Feel Good Friday:

Thanks for joining us today. This link-up has now ended. 

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Lemon Dress And Capturing The Perfect Photo. Secondly, a Throwback Thursday. The weather is awful lately, isn't it? The wind is so strong I do not even want to leave the house. The bins are flying around the street and the wind is howling through the windows like a crazy person. Lemon Dress And Capturing The Perfect Photo.

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Black And White Polka Dots: 

Black And White Polka Dots. Fourthly, What I Wore Wednesday Link Up/ Happy Wednesday. I hope you're all keeping well and avoiding the virus? Well eventually the rain and wind calmed down and we got a day out at the farm. I love these photos, especially the one of me and my mini-me. It was lovely on Sunday at the farm. Not too many people around which was a bonus for us as we were avoiding crowds of people as much as possible. Black And White Polka Dot.

You Can Find Me Here:

Pop Over And Find Me On Claire Justine. Let’s Get Social: Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | YouTube | Instagram |

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  1. Have a chilled weekend Claire. xx

  2. Claire, I love your cheerful outfit! Those polka dot pants and Mickey jumper just make me smile! And that is a wonderful list of things to be thankful for. My husband has been doing all of the grocery shopping but he said our local store has not been bad at all. I am thinking that is because we live in a military community and we don’t generally panic about these things. Probably because so many men and women here are trained to survive in really drastic situations. I hope this passes soon or at the very least that we all learn to adjust accordingly. Stay safe and healthy!


    1. Thanks for stopping by Shelbee. Stay safe too lovely :)

  3. Such a fun and colourful outfit! I'm glad you were able to get some food! We have limits on almost every type of item here but I went out to the stores this morning and so many bare shelves still! :(

    Thanks for the link up!
    Hope that your week is going okay with everything happening right now!

    Away From Blue

    1. Thanks for joining us Mica. Stay safe lovely.

  4. Such a cute outfit Claire. Loving your positive vibes. There's still lots to look forward to.

  5. I love this whole outfit! The Mickey jumper with the leggings and those boots! All FAB!

  6. Love that whole outfit! It actually made me smile. Your list is spot on too and I really hope the virus bypasses your son as well. Life is pretty much just like what you described here in the U.S too and I am trying my very best to stay positive and keep us all healthy. We are taking lots of nature hikes and staying home as much as we can.

    1. Thanks lovely. I put this outfit on every Monday to cheer my Mondays up at the minute

  7. Looking very nice. I hope that you had a wonderful weekend.

  8. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with WEED APPRECIATION DAY and WHAT WAS IT? (ANIMAL PROMPT 75 WORDS).

  9. Love your cute ensemble, Claire!

    Happy Tuesday!

  10. This is a perfect fun and cheerful outfit. Perfect that you can have some walk in nature. That will give you some boost in energy. It must be difficult to be not able to find essential groceries or looking for them around the town. It will be better; we are in this 3rd month. People were panicking in the beginning, but the government did immediately calming down people, and now aren't empty shelves in the shops here in Singapore. I'm sending hugs, stay safe, Claire.



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