Worry Is A Total Waste Of Time

Worry Is A Total Waste Of Time: I Should Know. Over 40 Fashion. Hello, friends. Happy Sunday. 3 days off from work in a row for me and today.

To tell you the truth I am really looking forward to a lazy weekend, doing nothing! So after a busy month at work and home getting ready for Christmas, I think I deserve it too.

Worry Is A Total Waste Of Time: Over 40 Fashion

Worry Is A Total Waste Of Time: Over 40 Fashion:

I have so much work to do around the house, so I am sure I won't be too lazy. Starting with getting two Christmas trees down, and clearing out my wardrobe. Bagging up unwanted clothes for the charity shops and cleaning out the fridge! All good fun!?

Have you taken your Christmas Tree down yet?

Quote of the day; Worry is a total waste of time. It doesn't change anything. All it does is steal your joy and keep you very busy doing nothing. Unknown.

Sometimes being alone with your thoughts can be dangerous. Live Laugh Love every day 😍

Worry Is A Total Waste Of Time: Over 40 Fashion: Love these photos that were taken at Rufford Abbey in Summer.

What I Wore: Dress: H&M Shoes: Converse similar here White Converse.

Have you ever visited Rufford Abbey and Country Park Before?

So Is Rufford Abbey Open?

It was open a few days ago when my son went to visit. Some of the areas around the Abby will be closed due to covid though. 

It was busy though so I would say check their website and see if you can book to park. They say, please ensure you book your tickets before 9am on the day you wish to arrive. Tickets are valid for all-day parking. 

You can find out more Here Rufford Abbey. 

You Might Also Like The Full Photos From This Day Out? A Walk At Rufford Abbey County Park Summer 2020. So today I am sharing some photo’s that I took at Rufford Abbey County Park Summer 2020. A Walk At Rufford Abbey County Park Summer 2020.

Worry is a total waste of time

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Worry Is A Total Waste Of Time: Over 40 Fashion

So what do you think of my green dress? I love this one.


  1. Happy new year Claire! Let's hope this year is a better one for us all!
    Love your dress. x

  2. I agree worry is a waste of time and strength. Wishing you much happiness and healthy in 2021! #MMBC

  3. Bright and cheery!
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2021/01/classic.html

  4. Happy new year! Tree is still up but closets were decluttered during the school break. Back to school today and back to a routine and hoping to stay healthy!

  5. I agree. Worry doesn't do you any good.


  6. So true, Claire! As I am sitting here reading this post all stressed about my own self imposed deadlines! Thank you for the renewed perspective. Live, laugh, love every day, for sure! Thanks for linking with me.



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