Over 50s Fashion Food Lifestyle Blog

Monday, February 26, 2018

What I Wore To The Zoo

What I Wore To The Zoo. Happy Monday, Friends. So how are you today?

Over the half-term school holidays, we went to visit Twycross Zoo in Atherstone.  We love to visit the zoo and Twycross Zoo is one we had never visited before.

What I Wore To The Zoo

I was so excited to see what animals would be there. I even wore my flamingo scarf as I love seeing the flamingos.

What I Wore To The Zoo:

Wrap up warm: Check ✅
Nice cosy coat: Check✅
Nice comfy footwear: Check ✅

Twycross Zoo is a popular zoo located in Atherstone, Warwickshire, England. It is one of the oldest and most renowned zoos in the United Kingdom. The zoo was established in 1963 and has since become a significant center for conservation, education, and research.

What I Wore To The Zoo

We could not have asked for better weather really for the time of year. The weather was almost perfect. It was really cold but the main thing was, it was dry and the sun was shining brightly. 

All wrapped up but I forgot my gloves. Typical, I always forget something. I forgot something else too. Oh, that is it, my hat!!

What I Wore To The Zoo

What I Wore To The Zoo:

Which way to go first?

Off we went to the Butterfly Forest. It was red hot in here and we all warmed up nicely for a while. I love to see the butterflies. 

It is not often you can capture a picture on your phone when you are out at the park because as soon as you see one, it flies away before you get a chance but I manage to get a few good photos in here.

I did get my big camera out but it got so steamed up with the heat, I could not see through it to get any photos.

What I Wore To The Zoo

Aww, the Meerkats are so sweet! Look at the little one keeping a lookout. Adorable.

What I Wore To The Zoo
What I Wore To The Zoo

The Penguins were at the top of my list to go and visit, love seeing the penguins. 
The penguins at Twycross Zoo are adorable! Looks like they are enjoying chilling.

What I Wore To The Zoo
What I Wore To The Zoo

How big is this bird!?

What I Wore To The Zoo
What I Wore To The Zoo

Having fun with my not-so-little, mini-me!

What I Wore To The Zoo

Quick looks around to see if we are safe! 😉 Yep!

What I Wore To The Zoo

Mollie on my bag, how sweet!?

What I Wore To The Zoo

What I Wore To The Zoo:

Outfit Of The Day: What I Wore: Flamingo scarf: Primark | Faux fur coat: c/o Marisota | Handbag: c/o Bags of Love | Knitted Dress: Primark | Tights Primark | Boots: c/o Sainsbury's

So we had a great day out but I never got to see the flamingos this time. It was so cold and the water they where they usually are was all iced over and they were all huddled together in the back of the park where we could not see them.

No worries, I will hope to see them next time. So do you like to visit the zoo? Also, what did you think about our visit? Have you been to one lately?

What I Wore To The Zoo: OOTD. Linking up at these fabulous parties: Where I Party.

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Secondly, Favourite Colour Red: What I Wore. Layering up and Keeping warm and rosy. It has been so cold lately. Red is my favourite got to colour when it is cold as it is such a cheerful colour. Favourite Colour Red: What I Wore.

What I Wore To The Zoo. Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post.

OOTD UK Travel



  1. What a fun day out!! I haven't been to a zoo in ages.

  2. Looks like you had a fantastic day out! You can never dress too warm for the zoo since so much of it is outside!!

  3. Being warm at a zoo is definitely the only way forward especially with the weather we've been having lately so the coat looks so lovely and snuggly for it plus very stylish too.

  4. What a wonderful look for a great day, Claire. The penguins are too adorable! Thanks for linking up, xo


  5. What a fun day out and I love the outfit you wore! The red pop of colour is just the thing to brighten grey, dreary days!

    1. Aww, thank you. I love red to cheer me up on cold days :)

  6. We do like visiting the zoo too but I can't really remember the last time we visited. Probably when my daughter was younger! Must schedule a visit soon. Love the red statement skirt :)

  7. We love to visit the zoo, but it's a bit chilly out there at the moment for me! You look fab!

    1. Tanks Laura. It was really cold but I am glad the sun was out :)

  8. I love visiting the zoo, you look great and nice and cosy in that jacket x

  9. Just recently went to zoo too and it was fun! You look great on your ootd :)

  10. I love going to the zoo - we still go with our grown kids from time to time. Great outfit, you look great! x

  11. You can’t go wrong with a trip to the zoo :) love the red shirt Hun x

  12. The butterfly forest sounds beautiful and it's great that the red hot temperature kept you nice and warm.

  13. You look so glamorous! I love the fur coat and red dress! I love going to the zoo !

  14. I honestly can not even remember the last time I visited a zoo of even which country it was. I haven't been to any UK zoos that I remember. I love your outfit even without the hat and gloves it looks really lovely

  15. We went to Chester Zoo last year and really enjoyed it. 😊

  16. Your outfit is fabulous and my favourite is always the Penguins


  17. Your hair looks gorgeous by the way, not seen it short before. That coat looks lovely and snuggly and warm

  18. I love love the location of all of your photos, always. And I also love you in red. Such a cute layered Winter look. Keeping warm and stylish, Claire.

    Welcome by and join my special Celebration Thursday Moda linkup today! It is a good one, plus I think you'd like my look today. ;-) Thank you and have a great weekend! Ada =)


    1. Hi Ada, thanks so much for the comment and invite. Hoping over now :)

  19. I love your hair! You look so fabulous and perfect style for a visit to the zoo!

    1. Thanks Cheryl. I thought I would have a complete change :)

  20. Cute flamingo scarf Claire! Perfect to keep nice and toasty on a cold day. Sorry you weren't able to see any flamingos but you got to see some awesome meerkats! 😀 We have been to the zoo though not as of late. Hopefully as the weather warms we can plan a little trip over there. I hope your week went well. I can't believe it's Friday but yay to that!

    Maureen | www.littlemisscasual.com

    1. Thank you Maureen, the Meerkats are so sweet, aren't they :)

  21. Ohh loving your jacket and the pop of colour from the red skirt - very stylish but also looks warm. We haven't been to a zoo in a long time but looks like you all had a great day

    Laura x

  22. Sounds a lovely day out and your jacket is lovely! So warm looking

  23. Oh we love going to the zoo. We are planning on visiting Chester zoo this year. I love your outfit Claire :)

    Thanks for sharing with #MMBC x

    1. Chester zoo is my Husbands favourite zoo Jayne. I am hoping we can get to visit this year :)

  24. Lovely jacket. You look nice and warm.

    1. Thank you. This outfit kept me love and warm :)

  25. Fabulous faux fur jacket! It looks great with the red skirt. Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  26. Loved these fun photos! Your layered look is quite stylish for a day at the zoo. :) I really like your hair pulled back like this. I may just have to copy you for a style change. Thanks for linking up, Claire!

  27. Popping back from #pocolo.
    Thanks for linking to #pocolo

  28. Wonderful zoo pictures, Claire - I adore the meerkats and penguins. And you look great too, breaking out the cold-weather pieces. xox



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