Over 50s Fashion Food Lifestyle Blog

Friday, March 02, 2018

Layering Up: Over 40 Style

Layering Up: Over 40 Style

Layering Up: Over 40 Style. Hello Friends. Happy Friday. Any fun plans for the weekend? My Husband has the weekend off work so hopefully, we will be getting out and about somewhere fun!? I hope you are keeping nice and warm in this freezing cold weather?  It has been so cold over the last few weeks. 

This week we have had light snow, heavy snow and now freezing snow {is there any other kind of snow!}. I love to see the snow at first. It looks beautiful when it is freshly fallen snow. Now it is freezing over and nothing worse for slipping and sliding on.

The snow is that bad that over the last few days the children have been off school as it has been closed due to the bad weather. It has been over 5 years since it was last closed with the snow. I thought it was cold last week but nothing like this.

Here I am layering up to keep nice and warm on or walk around the lake with my Husband, Daughter and Mollie The Collie a few weeks back. We took a lovely Sunday afternoon stroll around and I was trying to keep warm and cosy. I took my glove off for a minute or two and my fingers went numb, brr!!!

Layering Up: Over 40 Style
Layering Up: Over 40 Style
Layering Up: Over 40 Style
Layering Up: Over 40 Style
Layering Up: Over 40 Style
Layering Up: Over 40 Style
Layering Up: Over 40 Style
Layering Up: Over 40 Style
Layering Up: Over 40 Style

What I Wore: 

Hat: Primark | Jumper: c/o ALDI | Cardigan: F&F Tesco | Leggings: Primark | Boots: Hunters | Bag: Cath Kidston.

A nice long walk in the fresh air really does blow the cobwebs away. A nice long walk that kept us moving very quickly before or we started to freeze too! 

I also got the chance to wear my new red Hunter wellies that my Husband got me for Christmas.

I was saving them for best; but why!? 

We have snow now and they are made for snow.

Do you have snow too? 

Hopefully not long now to warmer weather. 

Spring is just around the corner.

How have you been keeping warm over the last few weeks?

Have you been layering up too?

Do you save new things for best?

Layering Up: Over 40 Style.


  1. What fabulous pictures! I would love to be near the water like that. We do have a lake though. Thank you for stopping by Style Wise Link Up!

  2. It is absolutely freezing at the moment and the perfect time to layer up. Totally digging your style, that red cardi is lovely :) Sim x

  3. I love the Cath Kidstin bag, I’m a huge fan of their fun prints x

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I love Cath Kidston too :)

  4. Looks like a lovely walk. Love your boots.

  5. I love your red cardigan and Hunter wellies! I was wearing wellies the other day when the wind chill factor was supposed to be about -11C and my toes went numb after 5 minutes - even with two pairs of socks on!

    Emma xxx

    1. Oh no Emma. I like my feet to be nice and warm when out walking :(

  6. Yep, it's all about layering up when it's that cold. That is the only way to keep yourself warm.

  7. I really want some hunters. I used to save things for best, now I try to find an excuse to wear things more.

    1. Thanks Laura. I have always saved things, not sure why but I am trying to wear them more now :)

  8. I love layering up too. You should definitely wear those Hunters more often :)

  9. It has been so cold here too, my fingers went numb and I was only in the garden for a few minutes. I just love your jumper, I hope they still have them in stock.

  10. Ooh I love that red cardigan! It looks so chunky and warm, and I am allll about the layers at this time of year!

  11. Great pictures. I love the red cardi, it goes great with your amazing Hunter wellies. I think I would end up saving Hunters for best if I had them haha! X #bloggerclubuk

    1. Thanks Siobhan, ha! I always save things for best :)

  12. I love those wellies! That's just the sort of thing I need for our rural country lifestyle. Gorgeous cardi too!

  13. Hi, I love the bright vibrant cardigan and the wellies. You can’t beat a walk by the lake and watching the wildlife #MMBC

    1. Thanks you. I was all warm and cosy in this outfit :)

  14. I love this look! The cardi, bag and wellies work so well together. Those wellies are just gorgeous!! Nothing better than a pair of red wellies! x

  15. I deffo have been layering up, as the cold snap is still here! I am loving the red welibobs x

  16. I do tend to save new things for best but thats more to do with the kids than anything since they are still really little. Most of the clothes I buy now are pretty practical, once Kipper is out of the toddler stage I may start buying things which dont need to be quite so hard wearing! x

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I am trying to get out the habit of saving things now my children are a little older :)

  17. It's warmed up quite a bit here Claire. I'm pretty happy that the snow is all gone!

    1. Thanks Morgan. I am glad the snow has gone too.

  18. I am in love with your bright red wellies! We had loads of snow last week and no matter how many layers I had on I was still freezing!xx


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