Over 50s Fashion Food Lifestyle Blog

Friday, February 15, 2019

3 Reasons To Get Out And Walk- Shake The Winter Blues Away

3 Reasons To Get Out And Walk- Shake The Winter Blues Away

3 Reasons To Get Out And Walk- Shake The Winter Blues Away.
3 Reasons To Get Out And Walk- Shake The Winter Blues Away.
Hello friends, it has been lovely the last few afternoons. Spring is on its way! Today I have a fun post for you;

3 Reasons To Get Out And Walk- Shake The Winter Blues Away: I have been loving getting out and about on my and Mollies morning walks and here is why:

Reason One: Walking Is Good For You: We all know walking is good for you but sometimes you can forget that it is good for us. Walking is not as tiring as going for a run, a gym workout, or exercise class so sometimes we forget to do more of it. It can maintain your weight and help keep you toned up plus it stops me going in the fridge looking for 2nd breakfast!

Reason Two: Improves Your Mood: If you are stuck inside a lot like me as I work from home, you can start to feel fed up of the same four walls. Getting outside and going for a nice long walk can make you feel a lot better.

Reason Three: Can Give You Inspiration: Walking can clear your mind and give you inspiration for things you are working on. It can make you think of good ideas. I think of more blog post ideas when out on a walk than I ever do inside but sadly I forget to take a pen and paper out with me and forget most of my ideas when out and about.

Do you like to go out on a walk? Do you get plenty of walks in when it is cold outside?

3 Reasons To Get Out And Walk- Shake The Winter Blues Away
3 Reasons To Get Out And Walk- Shake The Winter Blues Away
3 Reasons To Get Out And Walk- Shake The Winter Blues Away

3 Reasons To Get Out And Walk- Shake The Winter Blues Away By Wrapping Up Warm And Going For A Walk Right Now.

What I Wore: Wooly Bobble Hat: Primark | Ski Jumper: c/o ALDI | Red Chunky Knit Cardigan: F&F Tesco | Cosy Leggings: Primark | Red Welly Boots: Hunters | London Handbag: Cath Kidston.

Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. Walks are amazing! It really does clear up the head and just the few minutes outside makes such an impact. Love your cardigan and hunter boots! It's been raining so much here that I am kicking myself for not buying a pair last year!

    Maureen | www.littlemisscasual.com

    1. Thanks Maureen. It is amazing how cold and rainy it can be one day then beautiful sunshine another :)


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