Over 50s Fashion Food Lifestyle Blog

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Lovebird At White Post Farm

Lovebird At White Post Farm: Sunday Snapshots. 

Hello friends. Happy Sunday friends. So how are you today? I thought I would share some adorable bird photos today. Love birds! 

Lovebird At White Post Farm

Lovebird At White Post Farm: Sunday Snapshots:

I have just heard the White Post Farm is opening from the 29th of June for Inclusive Annual Pass holders and from the 4th of July for the general public and this makes me very happy. They have been struggling to raise money with having to close with covid.

Beautiful colourful birds
Beautiful colourful birds
Feeding the birds
Feeding the birds
small birds beautiful colours
small birds beautiful colours
small birds beautiful colours

Lovebird At White Post Farm:

My Daughter and I love to visit the farm to see the animals. So many favourite. The lamas and sheep are so sweet. We love to see the donkeys and always love to watch the goats.

We treated ourselves to an annual pass just before lock-down. We only got to visit twice so we can not wait to visit again soon.

Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm

Discover a world of love and enchantment at White Post Farm with this charming Lovebird exhibit. Immerse yourself in the joyous melodies and vibrant colors of these delightful feathered creatures. 

Experience a heartwarming encounter with our affectionate Lovebirds, where love is in the air and cherished memories are made. 

Lovebird At White Post Farm: Sunday Snapshots:

We have been so worried over the last few months about the adorable animals on the farm and what would happen to them if the farm was forced to shut down due to a lack of money coming in from COVID-19.

All around the UK farm parks and zoos have been having a bad time. 

The animals still need feeding and the lack of money must have been a worrying time for everyone. So now you know why I am so pleased to hear they have been managing to raise money and are opening again.

Sunday Snapshots
Sunday Snapshots
Sunday Snapshots
Sunday Snapshots
Sunday Snapshots
Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm

About Lovebirds:

Lovebirds are small, colourful parrots known for their affectionate nature and captivating beauty.  

With their vibrant plumage and charming personalities, Lovebirds make delightful companions and captivating pets. 

Discover the world of Lovebirds by visiting somewhere like White Post Farm, and then you can learn about their unique behaviors, and find helpful tips for their care and well-being. 

Whether you're a passionate Lovebird enthusiast or considering bringing one into your home, explore everything you need to know about these captivating creatures.

Uncover the secrets of their loving nature and embark on a journey of love and companionship with these wonderful feathered friends.

Lovebird At White Post Farm
Lovebird At White Post Farm

Lovebird At White Post Farm: Sunday Snapshots:

I was not really a bird fan until the last time we visited the farm, all the way back in March. We went into the birdcage to feed the birds and I was very nervous indeed. 

I held my hand out with food on and was almost scared of them landing on me. After a few times of them landed on me I really enjoyed feeding them. 

It was so sweet how they were holding onto my hand to balance with their tiny feet. How adorable are they!! 

Such amazing colours too. I can not wait to go and visit them again next week!! 

Next week's outfit inspiration!! Red, green and blue!!

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Secondly, You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me. I love taking photos of animals and thought about how sweet these goats are at White Post Farm. Adorable. You have goat to be kidding me!! You Have Goat To Be Kidding Me.

Thirdly, The Meerkats At White Post Farm. How adorable are these meerkats that we visit at White Post Farm? I love watching them go about their day. I love how they rush around and then stand upright to have a look around. The Meerkats At White Post Farm.

No Drama Llama: But First Llama Take A Selfie:

Last But Not Least, No Drama Llama: But First Llama Take A Selfie. My Daughter adores llamas, so as a little surprise, we took her to White Post Farm in Nottingham to see some. She loved the, and so did I!! No Drama Llama: But First Llama Take A Selfie.

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Bird photos



  1. What sweet babies! We used to a lovebird and she was a sweet heart!

  2. Kristine Nicole Alessandra10:14 am, June 29, 2020

    These love birds are so pretty! I love the bright colors of their coats. We don't have birds for pets, but would seriously consider getting a pair for my grandson.

    1. They are lovely, aren't they? We love to go and visit them :)

  3. They are so cute. Love the photos

  4. Very cute. Looks like they enjoyed eating out of your palm.

  5. Very cool - so colorful!!!
    Thanks for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/06/sink-drink.html

  6. They are so beautiful! When we are in the UK we always visit animal parks. We often are the only ones without children! I don't care, I love to visit those parks.

    1. Me too Nancy. I take my daughter who is taller than me so looks like an adult. We love to see all the animals :)

  7. Aren't they just delightful and what fun to be able to feed them! Thank you and have a grand week!

  8. I love these pictures of the birds and they are really adorable.

  9. Oh, they have such a friendly face. And hungry mouths!

  10. so sweet...you are feeding beautiful birds with your hand

  11. Lovebirds makes me think of the movie The Birds by Hitchcock. The girl had two in a cage when they tried to evacuate. - Margy

    1. I know this film but never watched it before as I think it started off to scary for me at the time I watch it.

  12. They are so pretty!!! That's really fun that you were able to feed them.


  13. Oh, look at those birds!! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 14, open July 1 to 26. All party entries shared if social media buttons installed.

  14. I love places like this and have to be dragged away! Great captures.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World


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