Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways

cup cakes

Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways. Happy Monday friends.

I used to love posting here and on my Fashion By Claire Justine Instagram to share my creativity but since corona-virus landed in the UK I’ve been busy worrying my time away and neglecting things I love.
Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways

Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down, And Takeaways:

Now I’m back and enjoying being creative again. So far this year we’ve had 3 family birthdays in lock-down. Mine, my youngest son, and my eldest son. So far we have lots of I owe you presents and meals in the bag for the other side of coronavirus when things get back to some kind of normal.

Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways
Motivation Monday Post
Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways
Blue Lace Dress
Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways
Dressing Up At Home
Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways
Red Lipstick Over 40

Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down, And Takeaways:

One thing we’ve not had since the start of lockdown is takeaway food. We can not have many takeaways as my daughter has coeliac disease. We would have had a few different takeaways over the last few months though. 

My son and I were talking the other day about what meal would we treat ourselves to after all of this and we both said a kebab with double-cooked chips from Meadowhall. I can almost taste them every time I think about them.
Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways
Cupcakes For Special Occasions
Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways
Blowing Candle Out
Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways
Cupcake Selection

Have you had any birthdays in lockdown?
Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways

What takeaways have you missed and can not wait to eat again?

What I Wore: Dress: Lindy Bop | Shoes: Joe Brown

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Getting To See My Family After Months Of Lock-down:

Firstly, how are you doing this sunny Tuesday morning? Happy here because yesterday after months of not seeing my Mum and Dad due to the corona virus, we eventually got to visit. Getting To See My Family After Months Of Lock-down.

You Can't Have A Bad Day In Polka Dots:

Secondly, hello friends, happy Monday. Just a quick post today as I have not posted here for a while. We are still in lockdown.

I have been editing some photos and trying to look at making some videos to pass my time on. I love how these have turned out. It is a little edgy compared to my usual flowered photos. You Can't Have A Bad Day In Polka Dots.

How Do You Handle A Compliment? 

Thirdly, I am hoping the weather picks up again from today as it's been freezing the last few days.

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Party Dress, Birthdays In Lock-down And Takeaways


  1. Claire, I love your party dress, your party shoes, and your birthday cupcakes! We just finished celebrating all of our birthdays in lockdown. We definitely made the best of it. I hope your celebrations were equally special.


    1. Thanks Shelbee. I think it's easier to make the most of it if you know you have to stay in. Any other time I would have sulked if I had to stay in on my birthday :)

  2. How cute are you in that dress?!! We haven't celebrated any birthdays in lockdown but I think they'll all look different this year. I hope you get your take away!

    1. Yes a lot of things will be different this year :( Thanks for stopping by Heather :)

  3. That's a perfect party dress! Beautiful! My birthday is in August but I never celebrate it. Well, most of the time we are in the UK then, perhaps not this year!

    1. Thanks Nancy, aww travel will be so different this year too :(

  4. That's the cutest party dress! YOu look adorable!

  5. Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 13, open June 1 to 26. All party entries shared if social media buttons installed.

  6. Love your part dress#anythinggoes@_karendennis

  7. Lovely dress and happy birthday to everyone! I co-host a hashtag over on Insta - #wardrobefindswednesday - you should come and join us! Keep smiling x #AnythingGoes

    1. Thanks so much for hosting and stopping by. I will check your hastag out :)

  8. We have had 2 birthdays here, including my daughters 21st birthday. It's different...

    1. Aww, yes it is so different. It was my Daughter's birthday yesterday but not a big birthday until next year.


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