How Do You Handle A Compliment?

How Do You Handle A Compliment? Happy Tuesday friends. I am hoping the weather picks up again from today as it's been freezing the last few days.

How Do You Handle A Compliment?

How Do You Handle A Compliment?

I even put the heating on yesterday as I was so cold after my morning run.

Unpacking My Summer Dresses: A few weeks ago I started unpacking the Summer dresses I saved that I had stored away over Winter.

I love unpacking my old clothes for the new season, don't you too? Who needs a shopping trip anyway!!

Casual Stylish And ComfortableI wore this old Asda dress last week when it was much warmer. This dress is nearly 4 years old now but still a favourite one to wear.

How Do You Handle A Compliment?

I remember the post that I wrote with it when I #reviewed it too. Fun times. How Do You Handle A Compliment? If you would like to take a read? Here is a little snippet from the post: 
In a recent survey commissioned by George at Asda, they found out that 41% of women feel unsatisfied with their body shape, and only 13% of women find compliments about their body shape to be believable.

Asda Dress
How Do You Handle A Compliment?
Sparkly shoes
How Do You Handle A Compliment?
How Do You Handle A Compliment?
Summer dress
Summer dress

How Do You Handle A Compliment? 

Let me know if you stop by and read the post and share your thoughts. 

What I In Lockdown: Dress: c/o Asda | Sparkly Shoes: Faith Debenhams 

Any fun plans for today. Mine is to get up to have a coffee and then run with Mollie the Collie. Another lazy day off then work tonight.

How Do You Handle A Compliment?

How do you accept a compliment? I usually say thank you and then go shy!!

How do you accept a compliment humbly? Say thank you and smile!

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  1. Great dress, Claire! It has been super cold here in New York as well. In fact, it has snowed 3 out of the last 5 days. I just want to wear my pretty spring dresses!


    1. Oh wow, Snow! Hope your keeping warm, lovely :)

  2. Our heating was back on yesterday! And maybe today too. I love getting my clothes down and finding all my favourites.

    1. Thanks Gail. Glad you got your heating sorted :)

  3. Very pretty dress, you look lovely. For me replying to a compliment normally involves me using a swear word so I do need some practice :)

  4. Thanks for linking this pretty dress up with The Style Six! I'm afraid I don't handle compliments very well, I get embarrassed when I should just say Thank You!

  5. Interesting topic! I think what I do depends on the situation, but I typically say thank you and then go shy and try to brush it off. We all need to get better at handling compliments!


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