le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton: Street Style

le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton

le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton. Street Art Saturday. Hello, friends, I hope you are keeping well?

Travel is well off the radar at the minute with the Coronavirus so today I thought I would share some photos from a few weeks ago.

le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton. Street Art Saturday:

These photos are from when we were in Brighton for a few days when we stumbled upon Le Roy Art Gallery.

I was loving Brighton and taking photos of all the street art when we walked down a little painted alleyway and stumbled upon the shop.
A surreal journey of psychedelic dark fairytale paintings in 3D in an old Victorian gallery in central Brighton- artist Sara le Roy.

le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
Spray Paint: Artist Paint
Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton
le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton

le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton:

It was such an interesting gallery and I was really pleased we found it. So what do you think? Would you like to visit when traveling is back on the agenda??
le Roy Art Gallery. 1 Bond Street Cottages, Brighton, BN1 1RP.

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Lemon Dress And Capturing The Perfect Photo:

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Black And White Polka Dot's:

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I love these photos, especially the one of me and my mini-me. It was lovely on Sunday at the farm. Not too many people around which was a bonus for us as we were avoiding crowds of people as much as possible. Black And White Polka Dot's.

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le Roy Art Gallery In Brighton

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