I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight: Wednesday Link Up

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight.
The Wednesday Link Up. Hello friends, how are you on this beautiful and sunny day? It feels like someone has switched a switch and summer has arrived.

The last two days have been beautiful. I might treat the garden to a bit of love today and start digging it for Spring.

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight: Wednesday Link Up:

With all the stress around the coronavirus around I really do not feel like blogging at the minute.

I was so excited to set up this fashion blog and Instagram account and now I just feel like giving up... but I won't yet!!

Blogging is also a good distraction and something I love to do so I will keep on blogging at the minute.

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight: Wednesday Link Up

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight Lion King Sweater: Dear Darlin: Over 40 Style:

Some of my old readers will have seen these photos before of me having a bit of fun in Madame Tussauds last year when we went to Blackpool for a few days. They always put a smile on my face so I thought I would reshare them today.

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight: Dear Darlin:

Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a special treat for tonight
I'm gonna call my friend Olly up here to sing to you ladies
Let's go, man
My name is Olly, nice to meet you can I tell you, baby
Look around there's a whole lot of pretty ladies
But not like you, you shine so bright, yeah

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight: Wednesday Link Up

Dear Darlin:

Dear Darlin', please excuse my writing
I can't stop my hands from shaking
'Cause I'm cold and alone tonight
I miss you and nothing hurts like no you
And no one understands what we went through
It was short, it was sweet, we tried

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight: Wednesday Link Up
I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight: Wednesday Link Up

What I Wore Wednesday Link-Up Guidelines:

Link Up At Today’s Blog Hop And Get Your Blog Noticed:

Hello friends and thank you for joining us today at the What I Wore Wednesday Link Up. Are you a blogger looking for more page views or more interaction on your blog? If so you have come to the right place. Join us today at the blog hop and get your posts noticed. 

How Many Posts Can You Add?

You can link up as many blog posts or Instagram posts as you would like to the linky below. Old or new. No need for a theme but if you want to add a theme there are some ideas up next.

What I Wore Wednesday Link-Up Theme Ideas:

This What I Wore Wednesday Link Up is part of The Wordless Or Not So Wordless Link Up that I used to host over at my other blog Claire Justine. It is inspired to get people creative with their cameras. whether it is home, making yummy recipes, or giving you style inspiration. You can link up any posts with photos in them and share your own unique style. If possible it would be great for you to share some posts with outfits in them too.

How To Link Your Posts Up:

Please link up to a blog post and not your main home page. Also please only link up family-friendly creative posts! 

Sharing Is Caring:

Please follow your host either here or my other blog Claire Justine Oxox by Blog, Email, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Page, Pinterest, or Bloglovin. Let me know how you have followed me so I can follow you back. Please link back to the Motivational Monday or Creative Mondays party in your posts to spread the word. 

Try To Visit At Least 3 Other Bloggers:

Please visit a few of the posts that have been linked up today to make the blog hop fun for everyone. 

Tweet Me Your Links For More Chances To Be Seen:

Please tweet me any links you have to add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the #WordlessWednesday #TheWednesdayLinkUp or #WhatIWoreWednesday hash-tag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

This linky has now ended.

I Just Want You To Dance With Me Tonight: Wednesday Link Up

Thanks so much for stopping by and supporting the blog through this difficult time. 

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Navy Marks And Spencer Dress And Summer Sandals 2019: 

Firstly, it is funny when you are in the woods trying to take an outfit post and someone walks past. I mean, only one couple walked by me here but the stares I got from one couple were unreal!! It does make me laugh out loud! Navy Marks And Spencer Dress And Summer Sandals 2019.

Pineapple Dress: Fun Prints Over 40 Style:

Secondly, happy hump day. 3 more days until our Summer holiday and I can not wait to chill out! Just going through my Summer clothes and found this fun pineapple-printed dress for my holidays again. Pineapple Dress: Fun Prints Over 40 Style.

Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans: 

Thirdly, yesterday's outfit was inspired by a trip to Bristol last year. I love these mid-wash slim blue jeans with white and red side stripes which I picked up from Zara in the Summer.

This ladybird t-shirt is so sweet and comfy trainers are a must when going out and about. I also teamed this outfit up with a chunky knitted red cardigan to keep me nice and warm!! Ladybird Top And Strip Down Side Jeans.

Lady In Red: Red Summer Dress With Yellow Sandals: 

Last but not least, hello friends, have you had a good weekend? It is all go here as I am doing some decorating. I have noticed over the last few mornings when I get up early that there is a little chill in the air. 

I hope Autumn is not on its way yet as I have lots of Summer clothes I still need to wear yet!! Lady In Red: Red Summer Dress With Yellow Sandals.

You Can Also Find Me Here:

Pop Over And Find Me On Claire Justine.

Let’s Get Social: Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | YouTube | Instagram.

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  1. Love those pics! And i'm finding blogging a really helpful way of keeping in touch and supporting both myself and our community. A creative way to keep in touch. Looking forward to your next posts. Take care...

    1. Thank you. I find it takes my mind off the real world for a while.

  2. This was a super fun post, Claire! Please don’t give up on blogging! We all need these fun and positive distractions right now. I am struggling as well with creating content, but I am going to keep trying my best as well!


    1. Thanks Shelbee :) I will keep on blogging away for as long as I can :)

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with WEED APPRECIATION DAY and WHAT WAS IT? (ANIMAL PROMPT 75 WORDS).

  4. Very nice post. Blogging is what is keeping me sane right now. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you and your family are safe.

    1. I think it is keeping my mind off Twitter and reading the latest news when I blog which is good as it is so depressing reading everything.

  5. Keep on blogging! We enjoy the light hearted posts and the distractions.

  6. LOL I actually thought you was dancing with him Claire till i got to Madame Tussauds that is literally a 5 minute walk from me i would had come and danced with Olly and you at the time LOL

    I always lurve Dear Darlin and most of his songs

    Have a safetastic week :-)

    1. Ha! Steve you always make me laugh. I would love to dance with you and Olly :)

  7. So much for social distancing! LOL!
    Neat post. Atay healthy!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/03/from-archives.html

  8. Those are fun pictures from the Mdm. Tussauds museum. I'm glad that you didn't give up blogging. Thank you for sharing this post with My Red Carpet.



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